Man has created guns, missiles, bombs and incomprehensible weapons of mass destruction.
A single shot can lead to war.
Meridiano has joined forces with the Japanese theater company KIO to create a lyrical, universally appealing and visually imaginative show about weapons.
Opposites meet when four actors from widely differing cultures bring their equally different languages, history, music and theatrical traditions together onto the stage. It is not only their universal fear of the horrors and destruction of war that they have in common, but also their dreams for peace and creativity. In the magical hands of Meridiano’s artistic director, Giacomo Ravicchio, these elements are transformed into stunning images of the weapons in the hand of man and man in the hand of weapons.
The performance develops dream like through time and space: comic, tragic, dramatic. Events are set off by a bullet, which speeds through the air in slow motion while time stands still and things turn quiet.
A Baku is a Japanese, mythological creature. The gods created the Baku out of the leftovers from other animals they had created. They gave it the outward appearance of a tapir, the calm of an ox, the cunning of a tiger, the strength of a bear and the memory of an elephant. They gave it a magical power: the ability to take away people’s nightmares.. The Baku lives by eating metal. During wartime, all metals are used to produce weapons. Thus, the Baku, bit by bit, begins to lose its magical power of being able to swallow up people’s nightmares.
Author, director, designer: Giacomo Ravicchio
- the performance is developed in cooperation with the cast and Kohey Nakadachi
Composer: Jérôme Baur
Dramaturg / Script translation: Bent Holm
Cast: Elise Müller, Korin Sakura, Gamon Nyoze, Lars Begtrup
Technician: Eva U. Handberg
Video adviser: Søren Knud Christensen
Puppets and props: Per Christensen
Costumes: Helene Thygesen
Workshop: Steen Molls Rasmussen.
Produced by:
Kio Company